till gathmann
artist, book designer
till.gathmann at"gmail-dot_com
leipzig, germany
book design / typography / conceptual collaborations
(34) The School of Kyiv – Kyiv Biennial 2015 [art direction] (Kyiv, UA) (35) Olaf Nicolai, Non Consumiamo …; All the World’s Futures, 56th International Art Exhibition, Biennale di Venezia [ libretti]. (36) Olaf Nicolai, Szondi/Eden; Art Basel 2015 [newspaper]. (37) Gestures of Disappearance; curated by Alexander Koch; Bergen Kunsthall (Bergen, NOR), [exhibition design]. (38) Peggy Buth, All of Us, Trauma, Repression, and Ghosts in the Museum; Ware & Wissen (or the stories you wouldn’t tell a stranger), Weltkulturenmuseum, (Frankfurt/M, D), [tables]. (39) Eiko Grimberg, Future History; Kodoji Press (Baden, CH). (40) Petrit Halilaj, of course blue affect my way of shitting; Chert / Motto Books (Berlin, D). (41) Petrit Halilaj, Poisened by men in need of some love; Wiels Contemporary Art Centre / Motto Books ( Brussels / Berlin). (42) Morten Anderneas, Skyldfolk; Teknisk Industri A/ S (Oslo, NOR). (43) Yasmine Eid-Sabbagh / Rozenn Quéré, Vies possibles et imaginaires; Éditions Photosynthèses (Arles, F). (44) Clemens von Wedemeyer, Muster (Rushes), 3-channel fim installation; dOCUMENTA(13) (Kassel, D), [information board]. (45) Robert Morris, Hearing / Edited and commented by Gregor Stemmrich; Spector Books (Leipzig, D). (46) Stephanie Kiwitt, Wondelgemse Meersen; Kodoji Press (Baden, CH). (47) LIGNA, An Alle! Radio, Theater, Stadt; Spector Books (Leipzig, D). (48) Camera Austria International [re-design]. First issue (113): March 2011. (49) Olaf Nicolai, Escalier du Chant; Pinakothek der Moderne (München, D), [music note-books, design concept] in collab. w/ Helmut Völter. (50) Clemens von Wedemeyer, The Repetition Festival Show; Project Art Centre (Dublin, IR), Fondazione Galleria Civica (Trento, IT), [ guide]. (51) Clemens von Wedemeyer, Occupation, From the opposite Side, Otjesd, Against Death [movie posters]. (52) Marco Poloni, A very wobble unstable drop; Kunsthalle Bern (CH) / Kodoji Press (Baden, CH), [newspaper]. (53) Peggy Buth, Katalog / Desire in Representation; Spector Books (Leipzig, D). (54) Clemens von Wedemeyer, first contact / film material no. 4; Spector Books (Leipzig, D) / Archive Books (Berlin, D / Turin, IT), [newspaper]. (56) Olaf Nicolai, Apollo; Boijmans van Beunigen Museum (Rotterdam, NL). (57) Clemens von Wedemeyer, Drehbuch / Screenplay; Spector Books (Leipzig, D). (58) Olaf Nicolai, Pour Finir Encore; Padiglione Arte Contemporanea (Ferrara, I), in collab. w/ Helmut Völter. (59) Peggy Buth, Desire in Representation, Vol. 1: Travelling through the Museé Royale, Vol. 2: O, My Kalulu; Jan van Eyck Academy (Maastricht, NL)
artistic projects
(v) Drawing table (K. /E.), The School of Kyiv – Kyiv Biennial 2015 (u) Some Formal Aspects of the Letterform B; Performance w/ tape, graphite stick, white charcoal, socks, shoes, garden rake, woolen thread, “Table B”; Kunsthalle Wien, 2015 (t) Some Formal Aspects of the Letterform V; Performance w/ woolen thread, pair of scissors, “Table V”. Geste, ; Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, 2014 (s) Rake, Document, 8th of May; Performance w/ (coloured) paper, pair of scissors, projector, stairs, garden rake; Shifts in Time: Performing the Chronic. Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig (Mumok), Wien, 2013 (r) Drawing piece; Performance w/ slide projectors, colored bars. rotation / play; ASPN, Leipzig, 2012 (q) Proposal for a Walldrawing, 13+1 photocopies, DIN A4, stapled. An Exchange with Sol LeWitt; MASS MoCa, North Adams (USA) (p) Tracage automatique; floor drawing [by Francesco Ambrosio] (graphite stick on concrete), app. 8 × 16 m. Give and Take; Careof, Viafarini (Milano, IT), 2010 (o) Notes on Fascism I; wall drawing w/ graphite stick, app. 2 × 2, 50 m. Corso Aperto, Villa di Grumello (Como, IT). Ex. within the XVI Advanced Course in Visual Arts (Visiting professor Hans Haacke), 2010 (n) Working Clothes; clothes on staircase rail. Corso Aperto, Villa di Grumello (Como, I T). Ex. within the XVI Advanced Course in Visual Arts (Visiting professor Hans Haacke), 2010 (m) T he Fascist Kindergarten; 81 b/w-slides (loop), poster, 70 × 100 cm. Kabinett der Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst (Leipzig, D), w/ photographs by Günther Förg, 2010 ( l ) The Father; tableau (44 digital c-prints / 14 laser-prints), 142 × 154 cm. Placed in the heat of the night. Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, 2010 (k) Spanningen / Tanzreigen; drawing on photocopy, 70 × 100 cm, video, 11 min ( loop), grey painted wall, label 14 × 10 cm. Amnesie; Kunstverein Leipzig, 2009 ( j ) Kallir. Installation: HD-video, 17 min ( loop), painting, 60 × 60 cm, poster on grey wall, 70 × 100 cm, b/w-poster on pallet, painted words on wall, video-slideshow, 13 min ( loop). Kallir. archiv massiv, Leipzig, 2008 ( i ) Monument for Boris Lurie; glue, ash, dirt, cigarettes, paint roller, buckets, 6 × 3, 5 m. Rundgang, Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig, 2008